Nike SB April 2011 Sneaker Collection

We’ve been previewing Nike SB’s April 2011 choice product by piece, but now we are getting a lookup in the whole choice at once. Some notable shoes consist of two colorways within of the Nike SB Dunk reduce that experienced been produced by Baravetto, just one of which requires over a Boston Celtics colorway even although the 2nd features NY Knicks hues.

The Zoom oxygen Harbor helps create a return, even although a pair of Zoom Stefan Janoski can be present. The sleep from the choice consists of some traditional SB silhouettes, so look at out the pictures below, and be for the lookout as they will all be hitting Nike SB accounts this month. We will allow you understand that are quick strike releases as we are updated.
Par antinapple le lundi 16 mai 2011


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