nike dunk shoes “Where have you been inside the 2010′s?” requested the headline. using the huge air jordan 9 element from the last a few of decades, Nigo, the impresario of Tokyo’s urban scene, navigated his A Bathing air jordan 11 Ape business by utilizing development and hype of many different sorts. But even he understands that air jordan cmft max 12 air jordan 13 style is truly a cyclical creature, with fondness of nostalgia and flashback. A main target why he set up a producer new brand recently, individual MADE. Inspired by his exclusive assortment of vintage garments and archives of the Bathing Ape’s earlier renditions, individual made explores the subtle layout cues among previous and present.

Items such as the Yokosuka Jumper Jacket, an re-interpretation from the silk Suka Jacket favored by Japanese street gangs. The design with this new variant is largely the same, except the cartoonish images embroidered concerning the back, some by NIGO’s near friends at Sk8thing. In quite limited offering, air jordan 2010 the very first assortment of individual made By NIGO is now readily available at BEAMS Harajuku flagship, sunlight Trap, and Rock And Roll of Tokyo.

Par antinapple le lundi 20 juin 2011


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